
  • Everything You Need to Know About Veterinary Services

    Since people differ, you might find that, for example, one person may prefer to keep a cat as a pet, while another may prefer a dog. These are two different pets that might require different veterinary services. That is why you come across veterinarians who specialise in different pets. Like human beings, pets require medical services to ensure they lead a healthy life. As a pet owner, you owe your pet a comfortable and healthy life; that is why it is recommended that if you are planning on keeping a particular pet, find a veterinarian who specialises in that pet and visit them to get advice.
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  • Are You Doing Enough For Your Dog's Teeth?

    Most pet owners spend a lot of time thinking about the health of the animals in their care. If you have a dog, you're probably doing a lot to look after their physical health: giving them flea drops every month and worming tablets every three months, taking them to a groomer a few times a year, buying them a high-quality food and making sure they don't eat cooked bones or anything else that could be potentially dangerous for them.
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  • The Quick Action That's Needed When Your Dog Is Hit by a Car

    Being hit by a car is quite obviously going to be a traumatic event for your beloved dog, as well as for you (particularly if you witnessed the accident). By taking quick, decisive action, you can ensure that your dog gets the treatment that they need. So what do you need to do when your dog is hit by a car? Keep Them Calm Speak to your dog in an effort to keep them calm.
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  • 2 Points to Know if You Suspect Your Dog Has Been Bitten by a Snake

    Summer is almost over, which means very shortly Australia's snakes begin their hunt for somewhere to hide during winter hibernation. Each year, thousands of dogs accidentally get bitten by snakes that pets encounter while they are out and about playing in the grass. Long grass and piles of stored wood or rubbish piles are two places snakes love to hang out as the season changes. As a new dog owner, do you know the symptoms of a snake bite so you can take emergency action if needed?
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  • Dos and Don'ts of Proper Dog Care

    Dogs and humans have a long history together. In ancient times, domesticated dogs were often used as aides for game-hunting. Centuries down the line, domestic dogs and their masters have grown from hunting buddies to best friends. You need to take proper care of your canine friend if he or she is to remain in good health. But what exactly does proper care entail? Because it's not possible to exhaust all aspects of 'proper dog care' in a single sitting, here are a few dos and don'ts.
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  • How To Prepare Your Diabetic Dog For A Stay In Boarding Kennels

    If your dog has diabetes that is controlled with drug therapy, placing him in boarding kennels while you go away can be stressful for both you and your pet.  However, there are some preparatory steps that you can take to help make his stay problem-free.  Read on to find out more. Booking your dog into kennels A good boarding kennels should ask you if your dog has any health issues at the time of booking.
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  • Coccidiosis and Backyard Chickens

    Coccidiosis is a potentially fatal condition that affects backyard chickens, with newborn chicks being particularly susceptible.  Although it's a relatively common problem, coccidiosis can be prevented by good flock and environmental management.  Read on to find out how to keep your chooks safe from coccidiosis.  What causes coccidiosis? Coccidiosis is caused by microscopic protozoan organisms called coccidia.  Coccidia live in the soil that forms the floor of chicken runs and coops, proliferating readily during spells of wet weather.
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